

I'm sure many of your out there have caught these colds that have been going around and half of us in this house managed to catch it as well. Lauren got it first (along with a side order of pink eye) and was knocked right out for three days. Normally, a cold takes her down for maybe an afternoon of movies and cuddles, if I'm lucky. But this one had us homebound. Then, just as she was getting better, I got it. I spent every non-kid minute I could curled up in bed in the fetal position for six days. Lauren couldn't beat the cough though and when I took her to the doctor, there was, what we will lovingly call a touch of pneumonia, which seems to be well on its way out the door now. So it has been a busy few weeks.

On top of that, Elyse has figured out how to stand up (all the time) and walk along furniture. She also spent one week cutting four teeth (that was not her happiest week) but now she has an adorable toothy grin and she enjoys grinding her new teeth together (and the sound makes me gag).

Needless to say, we haven't been up to much. Lots of Big Hero 6 and Tinkerbell around here. Things just keep ticking along.

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