

...but ours got killed by a little girl who likes to call herself Cinewewa.

Lauren had a costume of epic proportions. It was an amazing grey shark costume. A full costume that was bought for her when she was first born and we had been waiting with baited breath for the day when she would fit into the suit. Well, it finally fit. And she refused to wear it. I pulled out my favourite strategy of M&M bribery and even that was refused. I was out of options. The shark was relegated to the back of her closet.

Lauren still enjoys Tinkerbell but Cinderella, or Cinewewa as she says in her little lady accent, has taken over her heart. So as much as I wanted to get away from Disney as a Halloween costume, we found ourselves there once again.

As a kid, my mom made all of our Halloween costumes and they were amazing. AMAZING! No matter what we chose to be, she could make it happen. I don't even want to think about the many hours that she spent finding the perfect fabrics, altering patterns, cutting, pinning, sewing and fixing. Those costumes stayed in our dress up box for years. They were borrowed by friends and are now stored away in a box for my kids to play with in the coming years. When I decided to give in and make Lauren's Cinderella dreams come true, I knew that if I wanted it to actually be good, I had to get my mom in on the party. We decided to divide and conquer. She did the dress top and skirt and I did a huge floor length tutu and headband. Put together, the look was perfect.

Lauren loved the dress my mom made so much that she wore it to Home Depot the night before Halloween.

Elyse got into the spirit on Halloween morning and I think she enjoyed her onesie more than her duck costume, but what a cute duck she was!

Lauren loved loved loved her costume. As her mom, I loved seeing how special and beautiful she felt.

We found Cinderella slippers at Winners and she smacked around the house in those for awhile but, since they were three sizes to big, those weren't a part of her trick-or-treat get up.

Lauren was hard to keep contained until 6pm. She practiced trick-or-treating, ate a bunch of candy because she caught Matt and I getting into it, and then we sent her out hopped up on sugar (she needed her energy!). Lauren did a great job of saying trick-or-treat (twick o tweet) and thank you (demp you) at each house while running to keep up with the groups of bigger kids. She marched right up the flights of stairs and had many homeowners afraid of the speed that she would fly back down them. They probably thought that we weren't doing a good job by letting her do some stairs by herself, but when you live with a kid who is afraid of nothing, you learn that she can do lots of things by herself that you otherwise wouldn't have thought she could. 

Lauren owned Halloween. She had a fantastic time and the dress has already been worn the day after. I'm sure that won't be the last we see of it. I'm expecting it to be on pretty high rotation.

PS - Two years ago on Halloween, Lauren was rushed to the hospital by ambulance after she had a vagal attack and passed out in her high chair because her heart wasn't pumping. I loved that when I woke up in the morning this Halloween that day two years ago was only a fleeting thought in my mind before Lauren came running into Elyse's room and insisted on going with Matt to a client meeting while wearing her pjs. There's no stopping that girl!

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful and amazing costume! It is so heart warming to see Lauren running around and full of life. I smile from ear to ear at your post. And Elyse sure rocks that onesie!


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