

Typical mommy guilt makes me think that Lauren didn't do anything fun all summer, but looking back over the pictures tells me otherwise. As we move further into September, here's a glance back at what we did this past summer. 

 Lots of evening walks. 

 Off to Lonsdale Quay. 

 Backyard swimming / pool drinking.

Sunday night family dinners (drinking juice like a boss).

 Night Market with friends (with her best fake crying face). 

Pool time together. 

White Rock beach.

Lots of time at the park.
 Miracle Treat Day treats.

 Feeding the squirrels (and, yes, she chooses her own outfits. I've had to hide the helmet. It's pink so it often gets added as an accessory).

Spending time with her sister - one of her favourite people for sure!

 Riding the miniature train.

Granville Island breakfast.

 Waterpark play!

 Aquarium adventures. "Nemo, what are you doing here?! Where's Dory?" My kid has obviously watched Finding Nemo too many times!

 Helping Grandpa wax his car. 

 Painting (She only uses blue. It must be because we don't have pink.)

Reading to Elyse. She doesn't know what a wedding is so at the end of the book when Robin Hood gets married she yells, "Happy Birthday!"

So, I guess in the end, I should tell my mommy guilt to stuff it. Lauren has had a summer of adventure and she has continued to grow and develop into a great big sister. What a fantastic summer it has been!

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