

Summer was a bit of a blur. It makes sense, really, with the arrival of Elyse at the beginning of summer and having to work her into our lives and our routines. I still feel like many days are blurs from the beginning to the end but I tried to give Lauren a summer that was a "normal" as possible with activities most days. Matt and I also made the choice to keep her in daycare two days a week. Before Elyse came along, we had planned for Lauren to go to daycare one day a week but then we noticed that she missed having time each week to play with other kids and we were exhausted. Then, smack in the middle of summer, her daycare lady went for two weeks of very deserved vacation. I was scrambling and my good friend, B, said that Lauren could attend morning day camp at her preschool for a few days.

And, I swear, those became Lauren's favourite days of the entire summer. When she would wake up in the morning, I would ask her what she wanted to do that day and she would throw her fist in the air and yell, "CAMP!" While she is naturally a loud and exuberant child (much to my chagrin during baby nap time), her excitement for camp was over the top. Now I know why Lauren is signed up to go to that preschool as soon as she is three. I'm sure she will wake up in the morning and cheer, "SCHOOL!"

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