

We got home Thursday and Friday I wasn't feeling well. Thursday I had felt great so Matt and I were both concerned about this. Last time I had to have my placenta removed, I ended up with a massive infection and, after a few days home together, Lauren and I spent four more days in the hospital for me to get IV antibiotics. When I spiked a fever around 3pm, Matt and I packed up Baby (still no name) and headed off to the Emergency room. Thankfully this time I was given an IV and started on antibiotics but whatever was getting to me, we seem to have caught early enough for me to be able to go home and return daily for IV antibiotics until I kicked whatever seemed to be getting to me. They booked me in for an ultrasound the next morning to check that there wasn't some placenta that had been missed and was now causing problems for my body.

Baby and I headed off the next morning for IV and the ultrasound and I was given the news that there is still retained placenta that was missed during the operation after birth. You can probably figure out why that isn't a good thing. So, now I'm scheduled to see the delivering/operating doctor tomorrow morning when I go for my IV antibiotics and most likely I will have to have the procedure repeated. I'm hoping that if that is the case that it goes more smoothly than it did the other night (without the bleeding), that Baby and I can get home as soon as possible afterwards, without another stay in the hospital, and that with the help of the IV antibiotics, I am able to keep infection in check in the meantime. If you wouldn't mind keeping me in your prayers, I would really appreciate that. 

1 comment:

  1. Will keep you in my prayers Amanda! God's healing and peace to you.


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