

Many people would be shocked to know that Matt and I only dated for 3 months before we got engaged. We were only together for 2 months when I bought my wedding dress. We had already looked at rings and the dress was a killer deal! But Matt and I had history. We met each other in pre-placement testing for our grade 11 year and I remember giggling about him because he seemed so serious. In Grade 12 we were placed on the same mission team and we became strong friends. We would talk on the phone, spend time after school hanging out with our friends together and, though he will readily admit that he was in love with me, I did not see him like that. Over our time in university we drifted apart. I knew what was happening in his life through my friends who still saw him but we didn't have much contact.

Then I moved into my house and he heard about that through Facebook. I guess it was obvious that I was painting the house myself at a less than stellar pace and he offered to come and help me paint. Two weeks later (after more turtle paced painting), I took him up on his offer. He came in his rugby spandex with his short rugby shorts on top and flip flops the first time he came over. Matt likes to think that it was the spandex that got me, but I can tell you honestly, that definitely wasn't it. A few days later he came and helped me paint my basement (read: he painted, I tried to help but wasn't too successful at that). We talked the whole time and spent time together every day for the next three weeks. He was still the boy that I had known in high school, but with a maturity, faith and focus that had developed since I had previously known him. I knew that once we started dating it wouldn't be to spend a long time dating, it would be to move towards marriage.

We have been married now for five and a half years and I feel like we've had a bit of a tough run. With our struggle to get pregnant, my diagnosis of celiac disease and Lauren's heart condition, we've had to face a lot in those few years. However, he is my rock. I am so proud of the man that I married and even more proud of the father that he has become. I know that no matter what, we are walking through this life together and I am so blessed to have walked through both the calm and difficult times with him.

Last year, Matt walked upstairs one day and announced that he thought we should have a garage sale. Not a small garage sale, a HUGE garage sale. He does this to me every once in a while. He comes up with these crazy ideas and I typically respond with, "Uh huh." Sometimes he drops them, sometimes he decides that they are his best idea ever. The garage sale fell into the second camp. After months of planning, weeks of prep and days of work, we were able to celebrate Lauren's one year anniversary of her diagnosis and ongoing recovery by presenting a cheque for $9000 to Children's Hospital.

Over the past year, Matt has been a member of the Children's Hospital Foundation Banks Committee. He has be diligent in working hard to think of new ways to raise money and goes regularly to meetings for the committee. I love that he is so dedicated to continuing to give back on days other than just the anniversary.

This year, with the baby coming, he decided to think of a different way to try to raise money for the hospital. One day he came home and told me he was going to be a Miracle Maker. "Uh huh," I said, not really knowing what that was. I figured out that it meant that he was committing to try to raise a certain amount of money for Children's Hospital and I was proud of him. Over the past few weeks it has come to light that not only will he be trying to raise funds through donations, but that he will also be on the picture box (aka TV) answering phones on the Children's Hospital Miracle Weekend Telethon on Sunday, June 1st and he just told me now that he is also going to be interviewed!! What?! First of all, I can't believe that he didn't tell me this sooner and second of all, do we have it set up to tape yet?!

Last week, Matt sent out an email to his clients asking for contributions toward his fundraising goal of $3000. So far he has raised $1670! I thought I would get in on the action here. If you don't want to or are not able to contribute, that's fine. Thanks for reading about how awesome my husband is (I should have just saved some of this for Father's Day, but, oh well)! If you would like to contribute to Matt's BC Children's Hospital Foundation Miracle Maker Campaign, please click on this link: Matthew Arneill Miracle Weekend CampaignAll proceeds go directly to the hospital and a tax receipt will be issued in full. The Arneill family will be matching the first $1300 donated. 

Thank you for your ongoing support of our family and BC Children's Hospital. We are so blessed to be surrounded by so many people who care about our little (soon to be bigger) family. 

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