

Over the last few weeks, since we found out that Baby Number Two is a girl, I have been feeling the urge to nest. Lauren's big girl room has been set up in our old room and she spends a fair amount of time in there playing, reading her books and pretending to sleep in her big girl bed.

Over Spring Break we plan to make the big move by starting to put her to bed in her new bed. I'm a little nervous to see how she will sleep in a new bed but I think that it is important to move her at least a few months before the new baby comes to help with the adjustment. If anyone has any suggestions for an easy transition, I would love to hear them. So far my plan is to talk to Lauren about the move a lot next week and then remove the mattress from her crib on the day of the move so that she isn't able to sleep in her crib at all. I will also move over all of her clothes and books and get her to help me with that so that she sees the process in action. Lastly, I've already resigned myself to sleeping on the couch near her new room for a few nights as she adjusts. After some of the snoring that has been waking me up lately (no fingers pointed here, Matt) it might be a welcome break.

I'm so glad that Matt talked me into grey walls for the nursery when we first had Lauren because the grey walls and carpet and white furniture make it easy to change the look of the room simply by changing the accessories. Lauren's fabric art, bedding and decorations have moved her pinks and blues over to her new room and the baby's room looks totally different simply with the addition of purple, light blue and light green. This little girl will be wearing clothes that Lauren wore and sleep in the crib that Lauren used, but I want to recognize that she is going to be her own little person with her own story and experiences.

I've made some prints to decorate her nursery like the one above and I can't wait to meet her. Until then, I'm enjoying my time with Lauren but I know that adding another daughter and a sister for Lauren will only make our family richer.

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