

After my waterbottle had a fight with my phone and my phone lost, I got a bit behind on my photo collection. The month of December kept us very busy with special events, Christmas activities and special family time with Matt and I off and home with Lauren for two weeks. Here are a few glimpses of what we were up to.

Lauren and her heart buddy, Lauren as well, were invited a huge Special Children Christmas Party. There Lauren discovered her love of all things bouncy castle. It was a very busy day of child wrangling but the girls had a blast (and thankfully stopped for 5 minutes on the beanbag chairs which gave all of us a bit of a breather).

Matt loves sparkling apple juice and has passed his love onto our daughter. He taught her how to clink glasses and "Cheers!" every time. It got a bit overwhelming as she started to cheers with every glass of liquid in her hand. The mess potential was enormous so we've had to try to take it down a notch.

Lauren's favourite program is Dino Dan about a boy who sees computer generated dinosaurs everywhere. The words Dino Dan have become something that Matt and I have to whisper because if she hears it, she screams, "Da Dan" on the top of her lungs, goes racing to sit down in front of the tv and gives us the remote over and over again until we turn it on. Thanks to Dino Dan (which I have to admit I purchased this evening on iTunes for my phone, ugh), Matt and I get cuddles with Lauren, so we put up with it. This, however, was not the most comfortable cuddling position that Lauren has ever insisted on. She really wanted to use a pillow.

She wouldn't put these on until the day that I was trying to put them away. Typical.
Matt got Lego for Christmas and he and Lauren spent a morning building and playing with Lego. Have I ever mentioned how great he is?

Out for walks.

We've had renovations done in our basement to help fit upcoming baby number two into the house. Lauren LOVES the reno site because she finds pencils that she is allowed to use to write on the floors and walls, brooms to drag through the space and dustpans to wear on her head. What's not to love?!
Matt and I took Lauren out for a date to Starbucks. She and I both have the same favourite drink - hot chocolate. However, I typically manage not to get it all down the front of my shirt. Starbucks date = laundry.

Her many faces kill me.

She saw me once stand up on the stool and put two and two together to realize that she could stand up on it and get at that elusive white board that she always wants to scribble all over.

Lauren loves books and I love that it is one of the few times that she will sit still with me. Books and Dino Dan.

Our time together has been so much fun. What a perfect Christmas vacation we got to share together.

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