

Lauren's been a busy girl this month. Here are some snapshots that have slipped through the cracks.

 High fives all around.

 A lady and her dad.

 Not so much of a lady.

 She loves her spaghetti.

 Break time.

 That's a dangerous sleeping position.

 She smells so good!

 Silly monkey.

 Duplo with her cousin.

She still loves her books. Current favourites are "A Home for a Bunny," "It's Pyjama Time" and "Barnyard Dance."

 Colouring with a captive audience.

 Renos = an audience.

 Kiss attack.

 Umm, yeah.

 Happy times.

Exploring nature.

Lauren brings delight to my life, smiles to my face and lots of laughs to my mouth (though, let's be honest, half the time I'm laughing at her, not with her).

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