

It's been awhile. For the past week and I half I haven't been feeling very well and with taking care of Lauren, working and making dinner, I've pretty much been tapped out. Most evenings, I haven't looked at my computer and since blog posts don't write themselves... nothing.

Because of the past week and a half, my doctor sent me yesterday to have an ultrasound to check on the baby. I wasn't worried because I haven't noticed anything out of the ordinary, but I think, after Lauren, he is being extra sensitive to my health and the health of the baby. So, I walked in with my ridiculously full bladder and got to see the little one yet again. The measurements all looked fine and the heartbeat was fluttering away and suddenly the little guy (I'm convinced that it is a boy) started wiggling around and waving his (her?) little arms around. The technician was surprised because it is unusual to see them wiggling around at this age, so either I'm lucky that I got to see it, or I'm growing another 100 mile a minute baby inside of me. Hopefully these two kids just go 100 miles a minute in the same directions (we all know that is just wishful thinking).

1 comment:

  1. So sorry you haven't been feeling well. I hope you feel better soon. Cute pics of Lauren.


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