

I have a 21 month old shoe-obsessed little lady who prances around my house. We used to keep her shoes in a drawer in her room, but every morning (and all day long), she would come to us with new pairs of shoes for us to put onto her little feet. Her shoe collection now resides downstairs, but that doesn't seem to stop Lauren. She will now put on any pair of shoes that are left upstairs in our house... regardless of who they belong to or if she can walk once she is into them. 


But shoes aren't the only things that she is into. I have had to hide three of her shirts because whatever I dressed her in wasn't good enough and she would pull out either her Tinkerbell shirt, her bright yellow cat shirt or her Rapunzel shirt (darn you, Disney!) and lose her mind if one of them wasn't layered over top of the cute little outfit that I had dressed her in. Once it was on her body, she would walk away, happily chattering to herself and admiring her newly bedecked torso. So now those are hidden away deep at the back of her dresser. Problem solved.

However, I think the accessory that takes the cake is Lauren's Pumpkin Purse. I grabbed this at the Dollar Store thinking that it would be the cutest little bag for her to use at the three or four houses that she goes to this year to trick-or-treat, but I made the mistake of jokingly putting it on her head one day. Whenever she thinks of it, she opens up her closet and pulls it out. Ever since I made that "joke", the pumpkin purse goes on her head ever since. This child won't wear a hat to save her life, but a pumpkin purse? No problem. I've got my hands full with this stubborn little one.

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