

Before Lauren was born, I vowed that Disney would not have a place in my child's life. Hahaha. Nice try. One year ago today, she saw Tinkerbell: Secret of the Wings and since then we have purchased every Tinkerbell movie out there (there are four) and for Lauren's first real Halloween, I caved and made her into the thing that she loves the most... Tinks.

It took Matt literally prancing around the house in Lauren's wings to entice her to put them on. It took me tell her she could deal with it as she cried over her shoe covers. After a while she became enchanted with both and loved her new little look.

We planned to take Lauren to a few houses to do some trick-or-treating. At the first house, standing there clutching her wand in one hand and her pumpkin bag in another, she realized that by doing one of her favourite things (knocking on someone's door to say hi), people would open the door and give her stuff! She was hooked.

We did three blocks watching her little tutued bum wiggle its way down the walkways as she ran to the next door. She would tap on the door, one of us would knock a bit more loudly, and then she turned on the charm with a huge laugh and smile when they opened. People would begin to place candy into her bag and Lauren would swipe it out of their hands and fumble it into her pumpkin purse by herself. With a prompt of, "Say thank you," Lauren would sign thank you to the person before turning be helped down the stairs so that she could run back down the walk.

Tonight was one of the best nights of Lauren's life! We all had so much fun. This makes any memory of last year's Halloween fade away into the background. I can't wait until next Halloween when we can do this all again.

1 comment:

  1. What a really cute costume! I'm glad all of you had so much fun.


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