

Today, Lauren started doing three new things. She started saying her fourth word. I was hoping it would be "unicorn" or "please". Even "water" would have been great, but, no, her word for the day is, "Noooooo." We're in trouble.

So now she says "Wow", "hi", "mom" and "Noooooo". Wow is so much cuter than no.

Lauren also started wiggling into the space between her nightstand and her air conditioner and thinking that is the best place in the world to be. She quietly played there for quite awhile today. If you know her, or if you've read more than one post on this blog, you probably understand what a big deal that is.

For instance, this morning I really needed to clean the kitchen sink and the bathroom. They were dirty and the accumulation in the garage has sent my OCD into overdrive so I needed to clean. Like I told Matt on our first meeting five years ago when he helped me paint my basement and I shoved insulation under the baseboards to stop bugs from walking along the underside of the baseboards until the insulation poked out, "It just doesn't feel right." I couldn't stop (and he chose to fall in love with me and marry me anyways). I turned Tangled on, opened Lauren's toy ottoman in the living room and she proceeded to pull out everything in the kitchen drawers and her bedroom drawers. It was so worth it though. The cleaning was great!

Lauren also started "jumping" today. She bends down and then throws her arms up into the air. I think she will be shocked the first time that her feet actually leave the floor.

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