

The thing that I hear most, other than, "How is she doing?" or "Look at those eyes!" is "She doesn't stop, does she?!"  And the answer every time is, "No, she really doesn't."

If you put Lauren in a room with a bunch of other kids, anyone would be shocked to find out that one of the kids in that room is a heart patient, much less that it is our little girl. Today, Lauren bounced her way through the church building, the daycare, our house, our friends' backyard, my parents' backyard and then our place again. She really doesn't stop! What an amazing miracle that God has given to us. Goodness gracious, she's one exhausting little firecracker.

(*No, that isn't Lauren's toddler bed... and seeing her throw herself onto it so that she could jump, I think she'll be staying in a crib for quite a bit longer!)

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