

Matt and I are comfortable with each other. Perhaps a little too comfortable. There is little that we hide from each other and that works for us but I know many couples who won't even burp in front of each other.

Lauren's cardiologist called me last night to let me know that Lauren's case was discussed (again) at the weekly cardiology conference. She told me that they all agreed that Lauren's aorta was good but that some of them are quite concerned about the thickening of her ventricular walls. However, there is nothing right now that they want to do about it but it is just something to keep an eye on. I hate all of these "buts." Since there is nothing that they will do, I would love it if her doctors could have a dating relationship with us. This type of relationship would allow us to be blissfully unaware of the problems under the surface that don't really matter right now. I would prefer it if I could just live in the moment with the good news. So, since the doctors seem to want a completely open relationship with the proverbial bathroom door left open, I'm going to have to learn to pretend that I can't see inside. Knowing about Lauren's heart blips can make it harder to focus on the miracles that we have had but maybe I should just look up at the URL of this blog. There is definitely a reason that this blog is called Focusing on Miracles, Not Maybes. Now I just need to keep trying to live that every day.

For now, I'll just focus on my little girl as she runs around and enjoys every moment that she is alive. What a miracle!

1 comment:

  1. Go Lauren!!! Good job walking. Amanda, I passed the information on to our prayer chain, many of whom I know have continued praying for Lauren. I hope you know that we at NACC are behind the 3 of you, as am I personally. Enjoy each day with your miracle, life-loving daughter. She can teach us a lot about loving life every moment of every day. God has her future in his hands.


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