

It has been far too long since I've posted and there are no excuses but I'll give you some anyway. On Saturday I will be showing my She's A Miracle bows and tutus at the Cloverdale Spring Fair so I have been busy making tutu after tutu after tutu and turning our dining room table into a bow factory. I've barely even opened up my computer in the last week! Every moment that Lauren is sleeping, I've been hard at work.

Another change is those moments when Lauren is sleeping. Last weekend, she transitioned from two naps a day to one nap. I was sad initially, thinking that I would miss two naps, but I LOVE one nap. It is so long and I only have to put her down once a day (trying to get her to sleep was becoming a nightmare). Her two and a half hour naps are like a respite during a long day of crazy.

Lauren has also become a drawer fiend. This morning, for instance, she only had 30 minutes between waking up and heading out of the house and she managed to empty my entire drawer of brushes and hair appliances, pull out the colanders and try them on her head, violently throw every measuring spoon out of the baking drawer and onto the floor, and, one at a time, yank out every piece of folded laundry that was in the laundry basket. And all of that was after she unearthed every one of her shoes and spread them around her room. Thankfully I find most of this funny (for now).

Those pesky molars are still just below the surface, ruining our lives. We have Lauren on a constant drip of Tylenol and Advil and that seems to work. I'm sure she would prefer her morphine or something like that, but it is hard to get your hands on it.

We've mostly just been enjoying our time with Lauren. She is our hilarious, speed-loving, tooth-budding, entertaining darling. (For an example of her love of speed, take a look at the video below. I'm surprised that we didn't get kicked out of Whole Foods!)

1 comment:

  1. Wow Lauren's growing up. I remember when you wrote about her 3 naps a day and now it's only 1. Way to go Lauren! Sorry to hear that putting her down is still a struggle. Hopefully once her molars come in it will get easier. I loved hearing about her 30 minute blitz and glad you still find it funny. The video was so fun. It's so heart warming to hear her laugh. Just keep enjoying her. As long as you let us know from time to time how you are all doing, that would be great. Blessings, Angela


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