

On Monday, I went with a good friend and her two boys to Maplewood Farm. It was a picture perfect day out, with just a slight chill in the air but the sunshine kept us nice and warm. I pulled out Lauren's little boots and after shoving her foot in and then realizing that it still had the tissue paper in it (points for awesome mom work there), we got them on and headed out.

Lauren was in love. She was in like with the animals, but in love with all of the things that she could pick up off the floor (rabbit poop included) and in love with all of the other people around (a potential audience). We spent all morning making our way around the farm and enjoying ourselves. It was such a blessing to watch Lauren explore and grow. Sometimes it makes me sad for the time that she's missed with being in the hospital and then on baby lock-down, but on the other hand, it just means that I have lots of fun things planned for this year!

Time for a ridiculous number of photos...

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