

Yesterday I had my first real show for She's A Miracle at the Cloverdale Spring Fair. I wasn't sure what to expect and unfortunately, the attendance wasn't great. I made a few bucks but nothing to write home about. Oh well, I have another show next week at Uplands Elementary School in Langley and hopefully all of the little girls will want some new bling and bows for their heads.

I think the real story of the day is that Matt took care of Lauren all by himself all day. This has never happened before. Lauren is typically my to-do (though Matt is a huge help and an amazing dad so I'm not at all complaining). I've never spent the day apart from her. The good news is that we both survived the absence. Lauren had a busy and fun-filled day of going for a run with Matt and getting caught in the rain, getting put down for a nap by someone other than mom, and going to a memorial party for the daughter of a friend where Lauren rifled through a woman's purse, kissed a statue on the lips and charmed the bejeepers out of the ladies at the party while still refusing to let them pick her up. All in all, a successful day.

By the end of the day I missed Lauren a lot. I was excited to come home and have her hug and cuddle with me to get in some mommy time. At dinner I realized the role reversal that the day had brought. Matt's stories were all about Lauren and the things that she did and my stories were about what had happened somewhere else during the day. It was kind of refreshing but I don't think I'm ready for it to be my regular day just yet. I missed my little girl too much. 

Somehow I think she sensed that I really missed her during the day and decided to grace me with her presence from 11:30pm until 3:30am. It is a good thing that I got a catnap in by going to bed at 10pm or I might have been fit to be tied. These molars need to hurry up and finish coming in already. I love Lauren to bits but her antics are significantly less adorable in the early morning hours. 

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