

I have two wonderful friends who have been by my side for years. They make me laugh, they are incredible people and they have supported us through this whole ordeal with Lauren. Both of them put in countless hours, both day and night, sitting at Lauren's bedside, holding her hand and reading her books. They gave her a gift of those same books when she got out of the hospital. Lauren enjoys eating said books. They have been strong and constant friends, generous, loving and caring. I couldn't have asked for better. Since our friendship is now over, I would like to keep their identities a secret, so let's call them Raola and Nettina.

Our friendship is over for two very simple reasons.
1. They introduced me to the beautiful, magical toy shop Dilly Dally.
2. They didn't introduce me to it sooner.

For Lauren's birthday, they gave her a gift card to Dilly Dally toy shop on Commercial Drive and on Thursday, Elysha, Lauren and I entered that magical land. This shop is nothing like Toys R Us where all of the toys require batteries and they are all based on some sort of television show. This haven of everything toy  is full of toys that require brains, pretend and curiosity. I was hooked before we even walked into the shop. The window display is clotheslines of brightly colour feathers that are blowing in a breeze and I forced Lauren and Elysha to gaze at it with me as the rain drizzled down on our heads.

I could have spent hours in the shop. Everything in it is so special and perfectly picked for little ones (and apparently older ones as well) that you feel like your eyes need to linger on every item because there is a little gem that you might miss otherwise. From the wooden Easter carrots, to the realistic finger puppets, to the wooden Kitchenaid style mixer (OH MY GOSH!!), I wanted to scoop it all up for Lauren to spend countless hours with expanding her imagination. I think that is what the store brings out - imagination. Elysha and I reminisced about toys from our childhood, like the amazing collection of Calico Critters that Elysha had and she always got first pick as to who she was going to play with. Oh, I was jealous of those things. (But I have the last laugh because I've got them now in my toy storage for Lauren!) With her gift card we got Lauren a glitter filled wand, a xylophone and a wooden bead toy which I think Elysha and I enjoy as much as Lauren does.

I know it sounds like I am sponsored to write these wonderful things about Dilly Dally. I wish I was because then I wouldn't just be writing this blog in my spare time only to be paid in personal satisfaction. But I'm writing this because I now have to get rid of my two good friends since it is because of them that all of my spare change is going to end up at Dilly Dally. Why would they do that to me?

(Don't tell them, but I can't wait to go back!)

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