

I've been neglecting the blog a bit this past week because I've been hard at work creating stock for this week. On Wednesday from 10:30 - 11:30am I will be selling my bows at Movies for Mommies in Vancouver (Collingwood Theatre). I have also made tutus and feather hair clips that will be going onto the Etsy shop soon.

I'm a little nervous. I am a terrible critic of everything that I do and I find it so hard to put myself out there. When I told him that I was worried, Matt said that the worst that could happen is that I don't sell any and people don't like them. While that doesn't sound like the best pep talk in the universe, it was helpful because that really isn't that bad in the grand scheme of things. It is amazing how last summer with Lauren has put some many things into perspective. But that being said, I still want to sell some and I want people to like them.

Also, watch for new products in the Etsy shop. I've managed to decrease my cost and increase my selection so that will mean that the bows will be cheaper and there will be more choice for the buyer. And, teaser alert, there will be a special sale coming up this month. Keep your eyes peeled.

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