

The OT who talked to us about food told us that Lauren has to do lots of food exploration (translation: mess). Today Lauren "explored" her puree. I gave her a bowl and a spoon and put a bit of food in the bowl. I kept feeding her on the side. This meant that she ended up with food around her mouth (typical), food on her hands (also typical), food on her shirt (oh, laundry), food on her chair (I just cleaned that!), food in her eye (someone is tired) and food in her hair (because all moms know that bowls eventually end up on the head). I was feeding her a beef, vegetable, spaghetti puree and it stinks! Lauren was almost bath worthy but she was also tired. I decided just to wipe her down with a damp tea towel instead.

As I sat with her in her chair, I took a sniff of her head and got a pleasant surprise. Apparently, the smell of Lauren's head + beef, vegetable, spaghetti puree + tea towel cleaning = shortbread! Breathing her in, I was instantly transported back to Christmas at my parents', pre-Celiac disease, sitting at the kitchen counter eating as much shortbread dough as humanly possible while my mom tells me to stop because there won't be enough for the cookies. I still don't understand why that was a problem. The dough was so much better than the cookies anyways! So thank you, Lauren, for your food filled mess. I miss that homemade shortbread. You're lucky I didn't decide to nibble on your head.

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