

Poor Austin
Those eyes still get me!
Getting ready to party next month!
In the picture after this she is stuck under the drawer
Kiss me, beautiful
Cuddle time
She loves her new purchase
Out for a walk
When she's not listening, we call this baby jail. When she is listening, it is "super baby fun time"
Dressed up for shots
Must explore!
Encouragement for Auntie Elysha while she writes her exam
Bunny mitts
I couldn't figure out why she had gone so quiet...until I looked at the monitor. 
Zipping around on her bumble bee
Babies taste good
Bathtime visitor
Bundled up (but still eating her rubber duck)
Dropping off a donation for Children's Hospital, raised by Westside Montessori School in Lauren's name.
They raised almost $5000!!!
The first day she did this, I knew we were in trouble!
PH probe sadness
Swings <3 
Ahhahahaha! This one will be whipped out again for her wedding slideshow.



An era has come to an end.

Lauren officially hates her jolly jumper. Every time that I've tried to put her into it in the last week she has started crying. And it isn't her regular "oh, I'm kinda whiny because I don't like this" fake cry with no tears. This is a legit "how could you do this terrible thing to me?!" crying with real tears. Lauren very rarely cries with tears, so you know that this is real. So today I took the jolly jumper down. I will miss it! It was nice to have her in one spot but also so much fun to watch her jump so high, while squealing and laughing. I found it so fascinating to watch her and I usually spent the whole time laughing myself!

Now, Lauren just wants to explore. As soon as I change her diaper in the morning, she's off! She is now so determined to explore that it is hard to wrangle clothes onto her little squirming body. She has a usual  routine which just seems to get more and more intense. First, she crawls to her book basket (a fact that I take personal satisfaction in) and pulls them out one by one.

Some of them she looks through and some of them she tries to eat (I'm not a huge fan of that). This morning she also pulled her Olivia book off of the top of her nightstand. Next, she visits her other toy boxes and dumps many of the blocks across her carpet for me to step on later. But wait, her favourite room beckons.

Oh, the bathroom. There are so many things to explore in here! The door closes by itself so she pushes it open as she crawls in with purpose. Next, bang on the garbage can, stand by the bath, play with the knobs, open the drawers and, no, we do not typically keep our toilet paper like that. Thank you, Lauren.

When she gets too fascinated with the toilet, we head out to the kitchen. In here, bang the fridge, pull up the carpets, eat the underpad, open the drawers but get stuck underneath. If the dishwasher or cupboards are open, crawl as fast as possible to get in there!

The dog dish is also quite enticing.

It is near a whole shelf of things that can be pulled off and rifled through and very close to the dog food can which is the world's best baby drum.

Who me? Ooh, that camera looks interesting!!

 But Lauren's real love is the piano. If we don't have the piano keys open, she lets us know that we have displeased her. Once they are open she pulls herself up and makes beautiful music (?).

Early on we noticed that Lauren had an affinity for music and it will be interesting to see if she continues to develop that as a love.

Nothing is safe in our house anymore. The extra crazy that Lauren brings to the house now makes me want to throw everything out. Purging might have to happen this weekend. 



To celebrate Valentine's Day (when last year we were celebrating our best Valentine's Day gift ever with our 3 day old baby), I have added a new 2 bow set to the Etsy shop, She's A Miracle

Elysha has also created a Facebook page for She's A Miracle. Take a second to Like the page to receive notice of special promo codes and new items in the shop. There's one on there right now for 10% off the new Valentine's Day bow set.



One of Lauren's favourite books is Olivia Counts.

When she sees the cover of the book she lights up and starts to giggle. We read that book, or another Olivia book, just before she goes to bed.

As I changed her for the umpteenth time the other day I started to count how many outfits she had gone through and that inspired me to do this post.

Lauren Counts...

1 - One daily bath

2 - Two favourite fingers

3 - Three people in Lauren's family

4 - Four outfit changes in a typical day

5 - Five times the woman in front of us at Costco told us Lauren was adorable (it's going to go to her head soon, I'm sure of it)

6 - Six carpet fibers from her shag carpet that we have to stop her from ingesting

7 - Seven angry shark teeth in Lauren's vicious little biting mouth

8 - Eight wake ups last night

9 - Nine diaper changes

10 - Ten baby talons on her beautiful little fingers

11 - Eleven is Lauren's birthdate

12 - Twelve times a day, Lauren pulls the nightlight out of the wall

13 - Thirteen is the number of pounds Lauren has gained since she was born

14 - Fourteen bath toys in a typical bath

15 - Fifteen pairs of shoes in her shoe basket

16 -  Sixteen is the number of Olivia books that Lauren owns

17 - Seventeen dog hairs ingested per day (that's what happens when you bite his fur while screaming with glee)

18 - Eighteen baby spoons in the drawer and we still seem to run out

19 - Nineteen hair bows to choose from

20 - Twenty ounces of solid food a day are getting into our little fatty



Last weekend we took Lauren to the swings for the first time. Well, I took her with a friend and her daughter and Lauren loved it so much that Matt and I took her again the next day so that he could have the experience as well. At first it seemed like she wasn't too sure about the whole thing but then she made up her mind...she loved it!

I love seeing my baby be a regular baby.
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