

I remember how hard it was to have Lauren turn 6 months old in the hospital, but each month that we are home is a victory. It is hard to think about Lauren turning 9 months old without thinking about her time in the hospital. It seems that there are so many random things that are triggers for the memories of that time.

I pulled out the yellow polka dot hat that she is wearing in the blog header the other day and I promptly relegated it to the bin in the garage. It used to be one of my favourite hats because I love Lauren in yellow, but now I can't see it without thinking of Lauren being sick.

The songs that I sang to Lauren before and during her time in the hospital I do not sing to her now.

The cry that she does when she has a vagal episode throws me back to the first time that her heart crashed.

We continue to pray that her healing continues and we are so thankful for every little bit of progress, but it is still hard to think about her being sick.

Praise the Lord for the miracles that God has worked for our baby. Our 9 month old baby.

1 comment:

  1. Happy nineth birthday Lauren!!!! Praise God for the healing you have already experience. I continue to hope and belief for continued healing. Amanda, it makes sense that you are doing different things that don't remind you of her being sick. It must be so hard to live in this inbetween time of not as sick but not fully healthy either. Continuing to pray that she will be able to eat solid foods without vagal responses and difficulties with her heart. May she be able to eat normally really soon. May you be given comfort and strength through this time. I believe God is walking this journey with you. He loves you all so very much. May God's face shine down on you. Blessings,


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