

In grade 10, Matt and I first met. We had no idea that we would one day end up married with a beautiful daughter. But God was weaving our lives together so that after becoming good friends, then losing touch, we would end up connecting again, dating for a few months and getting engaged. As my dad said at our wedding, I have always been quite indecisive, but this was one decision that I was sure of so he knew that it was right.

This year has been difficult for us. We were not expecting to have this be our first year with our much prayed for daughter. When we were afraid that she might die, I knew that it would break our hearts and I was afraid of losing Matt as well. Our time with Lauren has made us bare before each other with our joy, fear and prayers open in a new way. And I fell in love with Matt in a new way. His fragility was something I had never seen and my faith-filled hope was strength for both of us. Our relationship as we knew it has had to change with the stresses and struggles that we have faced and those we continue to deal with, but our relationship is also something deeper, more solid and a safe place for us to rest our joys and fears.

My love,
God started twining us together many, many years ago. We had no idea of His plan for our lives and we don't know His plan for tomorrow, but this journey with you is such a gift. I love you and I always will. You're stuck with me, you lucky duck.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations Amanda and Matt on your anniversary!!!! You are so blessed to have made God the center of your lives and your marriage. It's been so evident in all the posts from the beginning. May God continue to bless you and make your love strong and secure.


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