

I am convinced that Lauren is going to love arts and crafts. Obviously she will like them as much as I do. I have tried doing some art projects with her and so far most of them have ended in crying.... Maybe it is an acquired taste.

The last project that we did is now hanging proudly in our front hallway. I put down some hearts on a canvas and squirted paint all over the canvas space. Lauren dressed in her paint clothes (well, they became paint clothes after this project) and got to work. Her little hands smeared all of the paint around the canvas and we were left with a beautiful canvas and the cutest little hand print as her signature.

You'll have to see the finished product in our hallway. No rush, it will probably be there until Lauren is 32 and has her own baby doing art projects.

1 comment:

  1. Who doesn't like getting their hands dirty swirling paint around! Good job Lauren, it looks beautiful.


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