

Every day I see that Lauren is going to be trouble. She is usually very well behaved but there are glances and little laughs that let me know that I'm going to have to stay on my toes with her.

This was her little tantrum today.

She was playing on the floor with the carpet, content as can be...

...she saw me there, looking at her, and started pretending to cry...

...but that wasn't enough, and she dramatically dropped her face to the floor. How could you be so heartless, Mom...

...and then when I didn't respond she rolled over, noticed that she had feet..

...and decided she was actually happy.

 Oh Lauren.


  1. ROFL at Lauren's faces and dramatics! Sure signs she's starting to feel better and catching up on her development. I hope all is going well, that she is continuing to eat well. I'm also praying for you, as you continue to recover from the trauma of this summer. Every once in awhile you say something that makes the reality of what you've all been through just a little clearer to me. May God continue to watch over all of you, be near to you and give you His peace. Blessings, Angela

  2. Thank you for your constant prayer, Angela! It is hard having regular baby issues that are complicated by her heart thing and it gets overwhelming sometimes. Prayer is such a help!


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