

Thankfully that was our shortest stay in the ICU to date (and hopefully the last! We love the people there but come on). Lauren had her last episode of vomiting with her heart rate slowing at 8:30 this morning. All of her tests showed that there was no further deterioration in her heart so the doctors suspect that she did in fact catch a tummy bug. Lauren split her time today between taking some really serious naps and eating her toes when she wasn't sleeping.

Late this afternoon the doctors felt comfortable moving Lauren up to the cardiac ward for another 24 hours of observation. Right now Lauren is fast asleep and it is so nice to see. When we first came into the emergency room and she was vomiting and her heart was slowing and she was going pale, I was so scared. She had been doing so well at home that this trip back to the hospital was a complete surprise. I am so thankful that this visit has had a better outcome and that Lauren seems to be doing better this evening than she was just last night. I just want her to have a chance to be a regular baby at home and give her heart a chance to start to recover. 

I'm praying for a very boring night tonight and an uneventful day tomorrow which sees us home together again.


  1. Thank goodness it's a tummy bug! Oh, Amanda. So glad that it was the shortest day in the ICU and that tonight is going better than the last. My prayers are all yours.

  2. What a brave little lady you have there! And a brave mom! Thinking of you and praying that everything is finally as it should be - you, at home with Lauren, both happy and healthy!


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