

It is harder to keep a baby awake than you would think. To try to flip Lauren's days and nights back around (I can't do another 4:30am night), we had her outside and in the light as much as possible.

That meant that Lauren was able to sleep in some weird places. Her nurse, Lisa, took Lauren down for a chest xray and I was a little nervous because last time Lauren cried like crazy. After the xray Lisa came back into the room without Lauren and, as I tried to plaster an "I'm not worried" face on, she told me that she had never seen this before. Lauren was safe and sound in the pram in the hallway, fast asleep. Apparently Lisa had put Lauren on the xray table, and when she went behind the protective glass Lauren stopped moving. She was watching the monitor and it said Lauren was okay but when they undid the velcro and packing they found that Lauren had fallen fast asleep. None of them had ever seen this before! Lauren was given a magic wand and slept all the way up to the ward (with one of her favourite sponge pops in her mouth).

 In an attempt to keep Lauren awake when she wasn't in an xray machine we got to spend lots of time outside and lots of time playing. Lauren's crying has decreased today and she seems to be getting back to her old smiley self a little more each day. Lisa took this picture of us and said that it almost looks like we're on vacation...almost. The exhausted look on my face and PIC line in Lauren's arm suggest otherwise.

There are rumors that we will be going home on Friday! We will see. I've learned to take it one day at a time.


  1. Good job trying to switch her days and nights back around! Not an easy task! Praying for you guys multiple times a day. So nice to see you smiling, Amanda.

  2. I agree. It is great to see you all smiling. :) Lauren is so strong and beautiful :)

  3. Love these pictures. Amanda - even tired you look beautiful!


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