

Last night was non-eventful - exactly what we like to pray for! Lauren had periods of being awake but she remained calm and then she would settle back into sleep.

Today the doctors have chosen to challenge her with a few things such as removing the BiPAP and just putting her on oxygen prongs. She likes this because it allows her to sleep with her hands around her face and tucked behind her head (her favourite sleeping positions). They have also started to introduce some physiotherapy with Lauren sitting up and playing with one of her favourite toys from her last stint in the hospital.

She gets tired pretty quickly but it brings such joy to our hearts to see her sitting up and getting one step closer to being the happy and radiant baby that she is.

When I was on Pinterest this morning I saw a print that I will need to order off Etsy for Lauren's room. As soon as I saw it, it spoke to my heart about the baby that I have been blessed to walk through this life with. I continue to be so amazed by the strength of our little girl and the strength that God is pouring into her. For now, Lauren can sleep because there are big things planned for her future. She just needs to continue resting so that she can get strong and head out to fulfill the plans that God has for her. 


  1. Hi Amanda,
    We are praying for beautiful baby Lauren daily. So happy to see she is doing better. Love the wall hanging you are going to purchase for her room. When I was praying this morning I asked God for her healing so that she can go on to do great things in His name. This ties in perfectly :) - God Bless
    Tracy Steyn

  2. I've been waiting to hear more about how Lauren (and you) are doing and this morning, I was happy to find your words of happiness. It sounds like you are both doing well. What an amazing journey you've made! Love and prayers from me!

  3. Praise the Lord for a boring night! I love the print. God sure does have his hand on your little girl! May God continue to give healing, strength and comfort to Lauren and strength and peace to you and Matt and your families.
    Angela Elliott


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