

Praise the Lord, Lauren had a rested, relaxing day. 

She spent much of the day sleeping, which is the best thing for her body to be able to heal. I got to spend a few hours this afternoon with her in my arms. Unlike yesterday, when every breath had her bobbing in my arms with stressed breathing in her stomach, today she lay just like a baby sleeping in her mom's arms. 

Lauren got physio twice and that helped to clear her lungs quite a bit more. When she doesn't need to cough, she is able to sleep better as well. 

For the first time today the doctors made positive comments. Her surgeon said that her left ventricular function is no worse than it was when she was discharged. While I know that her function was described as quite poor at that point, she was still alive with it. One of the cardiologists also spoke about her heart recovery and that it will take at least a year for her to recover. The fact that Lauren's future is being spoken of is a huge victory for us. 

On Sunday evening, the Lord told me that I needed to wait. This time Lauren's recovery will not be as fast as the last time, but that doesn't mean that it won't happen. But I am to be still and wait on the Lord. Yesterday the hymn "Be Still and Know That I Am God" started to play in my head. I didn't know what came next (I'm musically challenged that way) but I continued to sing through the song. The second verse is a repeat of the line "I am the Lord who healeth thee". I found this so comforting. I knew that there was a third verse and when I looked it up, I followed it as my word for today "In thee, O Lord, I put my trust".

Be still and know.
He promises healing.
In Him we trust.  

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