

Today was delightful and frightening at the same time. Don't worry, Lauren is doing well. Just to prove it, I will show you our wonderful day together.

Lauren woke up with baby singing and a smile.

 She spent time playing with her borrowed mobile from the ICU (I will have to get her the same one asap because she LOVES it!).

We went outside to the cardiac courtyard and she got to play with her adoring public and Sophie the Giraffe.

And then she got to play with her best bud, Harrison. Well, the playing was limited but there was lots of smiling and staring. They're only 6 months old after all.

The frightening part of our day was the incredible answer to prayer that we have received. The doctor who just two days ago told us that Lauren's heart function was very poor saw her today and was much more positive. So positive, in fact, that they are looking at sending us home on Saturday already!! To think that just a week ago we were told that we should expect to be here until the end of September makes this mind boggling...and terrifying.

It will be difficult to go home and not be worried about every little thing. It would be crazy to purchase a heart monitor and have her hooked up all the time so I could monitor her every minute of the day. And I have to admit that I have wondered how much a monitor might cost. But I know that my worrying will not add a minute to her life or to mine. God is in control and I have to trust that he will continue her healing. He did not work these miracles to stop taking notice of her now.

One of the doctors in the ICU has a child who also had a heart condition when she was young. He was talking to Matt and I about how the experience has drastically changed his priorities in life. He no longer sees his children as something that he is assured of, but as little people who are on loan to him. Things that used to matter don't have quite the same meaning as before because other things are more important to him. 

This whole process is life changing. It is also faith changing and spirit changing. It is relationship changing and focus changing. It changes everything.

Going home is going to be scary, but I need to live in trust and faith. It has been easy to do while we've been watching miracles happen before our eyes but it will be harder on a day to day basis when life is just back to normal.

When I start to get afraid, I will cling to the victories we saw here. Today our victory was that the doctor was surprised by how much more her lower left lung is getting air (which means that the pressure from her swollen heart is starting to be relieved). The pulses in her arms and legs are strong and consistent. And all day today Lauren acted like a regular baby.

Praise the Lord!  


  1. YAY!!!! She's going home!!! This experience is life changing. Wow, what a whirlwind of a timeline. So glad the doctor's prognosis was that much more positive today. Looking forward to helping you set up a little fine motor corner for Lauren :)

  2. Praise God! We are all so excited to have you all back in the neighbourhood - so is Harrison! She looked so incredible last night, it was such a joy.


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